quarta-feira, 8 de dezembro de 2010

Wikileaks sobre o Sahara Ocidental e Marrocos (I)

O Presidente francês, Nicolas Sarkozy

O prof. Carlos Ruiz Miguel, Catedrático de Direito Constitucional na Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, autor de inúmeros livros e artigos em revistas espanholas e estrangeiras sobre matérias relacionadas com o Direito Público e Relações Internacionais e, justamente, considerado um perito na questão do Sahara Ocidental, divulga e comenta as “revelações” dos telegramas e relatórios do Departamento de Estado dos EUA sobre o Sahara Ocidental e Marrocos. Ver blog: http://blogs.periodistadigital.com/desdeelatlantico.php

Entre os documentos filtrados pelo Wikileaks começam a aparecer textos relacionados com o Sahara Ocidental. No primeiro documento de que tenho notícia, os diplomatas norte-americanos fazem-se eco do apoio de Sarkozy às iniciativas de Mohamed VI. Em princípio não descobrem nada que não se saiba já. A única coisa que não apareceu na imprensa foram as «fofocas», de certo interesse, a que se refere o parágrafo 11 deste relatório desclassificado.
Este documento está assinado pelo Subchefe da Missão Diplomática, Robert P. Jackson, com data de 7-X-2007.

Transcrevo a parte mais substancial do telegrama de Outubro de 2007 sem o traduzir.
Claro que não encontro este documento entre os publicados pelo El País.
O link em que se encontra este documento já não está operativo, mas podem encontrá-lo de momento, aqui:


Classified by DCM Robert P. Jackson for reasons 1.4 (b) and (d).

¶1. (C) Summary: French President Sarkozy’s October 22-24 visit to Morocco was viewed as a success by both sides. During a star-like visit and speech to the Moroccan parliament, Sarkozy offered the most explicit French statement to date in support of Morocco’s autonomy plan as the basis for a negotiated settlement to the Sahara dispute. Sarkozy also essentially conceded the loss of the sale of French Rafale fighters to a “better offer” to Morocco for U.S. F-16s. Sarkozy and entourage completed nearly 3 billion Euros worth of commercial deals and military sales during the visit, including a naval frigate. The French Ambassador in Rabat downplayed the commercial aspects of the trip, instead emphasizing Sarkozy’s “Mediterranean Union” summit proposal and his support for Moroccan democratic and economic reforms. The visit received mainly favorable attention in the local media, featuring images of two heads of state interacting as equal partners and friends. End summary.

Leaning Farther Forward on Sahara
¶2. (C) In an interview with the pro-Palace daily Le Matin just before his arrival, Sarkozy described Morocco’s autonomy proposal for the Sahara as “serious and credible.” Addressing a joint session of parliament in Rabat on October 23, Sarkozy appeared to take explicit French support for Morocco’s plan a step further, describing it as “a new element,” in a long deadlocked process, using the USG formulation that it could “serve as a basis for negotiation in the search for a reasonable settlement to the Western Sahara issue.” Sarkozy’s remarks on Sahara appeared to move France closer toward the Moroccan position, and were embraced as such by most of the Moroccan press, which characterized the president’s remarks as a breakthrough for French policy on the Sahara question. (We understand the Polisario leadership has protested Sarkozy’s remarks.)

Economic Agreements and Military Sales
¶8. (SBU) Other military contracts concluded during the visit included the sale of a French frigate and the upgrade of 25 Puma helicopters and 140 armored vehicles. In addition, an energy contract was signed to build a 200 million Euro power plant near Oujda in Morocco’s northeast and the French nuclear group Areva signed a deal with the National Phosphate Company (OCP) to extract uranium from Moroccan phosphoric acid. In a press release, the company noted that Morocco’s reserves of the material total 6 million metric tons, twice the world reserves of actual uranium ore.


Press Coverage - Ecstatic, with Exceptions
¶10. (SBU) Though press coverage of Sarkozy’s visit was overwhelmingly positive, some commentators voiced resentment - the independent (Arabic) daily Al Massae groused that French diplomacy “remains governed by traditional and obtuse concepts” and accused the President of patronizing Morocco by issuing a “certificate of good conduct” to the regime. A leading Islamist daily deemed insulting Sarkozy’s assertion during his address to parliament that Islam stands for goodness, tolerance, and peace, while political Islam stands for separateness and engenders hostility toward “the other.” The Arabic daily affiliated with the Islamist PJD denounced Sarkozy’s remark as a slap in the face to the Islamist MPs present in the audience.
¶11. (C) While Sarkozy was generally well received, there was much gossip in Moroccan salons about a “too relaxed” President slouching comfortably in his chair as he and the King presided over an October 22 signing ceremony at the Royal Palace in Marrakech. In one image, Sarkozy was seen crossing his legs and pointing the sole of his shoe at the King - a taboo gesture in the Islamic world. Sarkozy was accompanied throughout the visit, including at a banquet with the royal family by his Justice Minister (of Moroccan heritage) Rachida Dati

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